Patrícia desincarnated at nineteen years old. During her brief stay with us on earth she was a Spiritist by conviction and an active seeker of eternal truths. Her desincarnation was like going to sleep and waking up in the spiritual plane among friends.
She was fascinated by what she saw, by the reports from companions that later on would come to us incarnates to dictate their adventure.
Violets on the window describes the experiences of a person conscientious of what desincarnation means. It removes one more veil from the mystery of the afterlife. Simply, she tells of the beauty, the needs she met in the spiritual plane, talks about her needs and of the others. Needs such as: How would she eat? How would she dress? Would she feel cold or hot? Would she need to use the bathroom?
Patrícia clearly describes the...
Violets on the Window - Vera Lucia Marinzeck De Carvalho
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Vera Lucia Marinzeck De Carvalho
Vera Lúcia Marinzeck de Carvalho nasceu em São Sebastião do Paraíso, Minas Gerais e reside há algum tempo na cidade de São Carlos, São Paulo. É casada, mãe de três filhos. Bem cedo, deu-se conta de suas qualidades mediúnicas. Cuidadosa, depois da redação inicial, submete os textos a revisões meticulosas. O resultado final é sempre uma obra clara, elegante e de enredo semelhante à vida real. A primeira obra espírita que leu foi um livro emprestado por uma vizinha, "O Livro dos Espíritos", de Allan Kardec. Mas o seu livro de cabeceira é o Evangelho. O livro "Violetas na Janela",… continuar lendo